Frequently Asked Questions for Jury Service
Q: Who may serve as jurors and how are they chosen?
A: Among other qualifications, jurors are citizens of the United States, residents of Clay County, and 21 years of age or older. Names are selected at random from a master jury list that is compiled from several sources.
Q: I received a Summons for Jury Service, what do I do?
A: Please complete the online Jury Qualification questionnaire by visiting www.courts.mo.gov - click on "Submit Jury Response" link to complete your questionnaire within 10 days of receipt of your summons postcard. Your responses to the first set of questions will determine your eligibility to serve as a juror and responses to the other questions will be used by the attorneys in selecting jurors for particular cases. If you are unable to complete the online questionnaire, contact the court and a paper version can be provided to you.
Q: I am having trouble accessing the online Juror Qualification Questionnaire, what do I do?
A: Your Juror ID and Date of Birth are required to log into the online qualification questionnaire. Your Juror ID can be found under the barcode in the lower lefthand portion of your jury summons postcard. Once you are logged into the system you will be presented with several sets of questions. After responding to each of the questions, select NEXT to continue. You will then be presented with a "Review Your Answers" page and given the opportunity to review each of your responses and make any corrections necessary. You will then proceed to the next set of questions by selecting CONFIRM. Once you reach the Jury Homepage, you have completed the online questionnaire and you may log out of the system.
Q: How long is the term of service?
A: GRAND JURY - Grand Jury is for the Term of Court. The Terms of Court are March, June, and November.
A: PETIT - Petit Jurors complete their service either in one day or for the duration of the trial. If a juror is chosen to serve on a case, he/she would remain for the entire day and each day thereafter until the trial is concluded (which is normally from one to three days). The jurors who are not chosen to serve on a case are usually excused by mid-afternoon on Monday. Their service is then complete.
Q: Are Grand and Petit Jurors paid for service?
A: Jurors will receive no pay for the first two days of service. On the third day and after jurors will receive $50 per day, plus $0.07 per mile round trip from your residence to the Courthouse. A correct mailing address is essential for payment.
Q: Are excused absences allowed?
A: If there is a reason why it would be difficult for you to serve then you may submit an excuse request and provide documentation to support the request using the online juror qualification process located at www.courts.mo.gov/jurorportal. Once the request is received, it will be reviewed by a Judge. A notification reflecting the Judge's decision will either be mailed, texted or emailed to you per your request. You may also go to Juror and check the status of your request. Jurors can always be deferred one time for pre-planned vacations, doctor appointments, and business trips during their period of jury service.
Q: How can one verify jury service to an employer?
A: If your employer requires verification of your service, you may request a card from the Courtroom Clerk for each day of service.
Q: Where do jurors appear for duty?
A: Jurors will check in at the northeast counter (up the stairs and to the left) on the second floor of the James S. Rooney Justice Center and then enter the Jury Assembly Room. The Jury Supervisor will meet with you there and direct you to a courtroom. Courthouse security does not permit pocketknives, nail files, or any item that can be construed as a weapon on the premises. Laptop and tablet computers are not allowed either.
Q: Where do jurors phone for further information?
Jurors who are summoned and have questions concerning their service may call the Jury Supervisor at
Building: | James S. Rooney Justice Center |
Address: | 11 South Water Street Liberty, Missouri 64068 |
Telephone: | 816-407-3998 |
Fax: | 816-407-3889 |
Email: | Cami.Kuhns@courts.mo.gov |
Contact Information
Jury Response Line
Telephone: | 816-407-3999 |
Email: | jury@circuit7.net |
Individuals who are scheduled to report for Petit Jury should call this number the weekend before their appearance date.