Juvenile Office Staff
Contact the Juvenile Office: 816-736-8400

Juvenile Officer: Janet Rogers
Janet Rogers began her career at the Clay County Children's Justice Center as a supervisor in the Detention Center, then moved to the Probation Unit as a Deputy Juvenile Officer. In 2006, she became the CASA/Transitions Program Director, where she recruited, trained and supervised Court Appointed Special Advocates to be the voice of abused and neglected children in the courtroom. In April 2015 she was appointed Chief Juvenile Officer / Director of Court Services for Clay County. Janet has a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice and a Master's Degree in Public Administration from Park University.
Our Staff
- Kitt Woods
Abuse & Neglect Unit
- Janet Wright, Supervisor
- Alison Greco
- Angie Luellen
- Ben Kaufman
- Bonita Copridge
- Heather Kindle
- Jade Hemstead
- Tracey Mauna-Ridle
C.A.S.A. / Transitions Programs
- Ashley Zugelter, Director CASA
- Carole Shost
- Mim Simpson
- Terri Ruth
- David Strabala, LCSW, Juvenile Office Counselor
Delinquency Unit
- Shani Miller, Chief Deputy Juvenile Officer
- Kim Adams
- Connie Bell
- Jeanetta Belfonte
- Colby Elliott
- Lisa Rammel
- Maureen Mihelilc
- Chris Smith
- Kerrie Schwartz, Director of Residential Services/ Detention Superintendent
- Terree Paige, Assistant Superintendent
Group Homes
- Krista Bodinson, House Manger, Boys Group Home
- Tess Lemish, House Manager, Girls Group Home
Office Attorney
- William Shull
Support Staff
- Paula Robinson, Officer Manager
- Barb Collier
- Sandy Klutter
- Tammy Hawks
- Stephanie Magin