Veterans Court
Veterans Court
Veterans Courts are a cost effective alternative to prison. The criminal justice system works cooperatively with treatment and other service systems to provide an offender with all of the possible tools they need to lead a drug free, crime-free lifestyle.
Clay County Veterans Court Goals
- Reduce recidivism of offenders.
- Provide early intervention through intensive treatment and supervision.
- Reduce the number of probation revocations to the Department of Corrections.
- Provide a safer community for Clay County residents by successfully treating substance abusing felony offenders.
Who will be accepted into the program?
Eligibility for the program will be based upon previous criminal history, current pending charges and current use of substances. Criteria used for the Clay County Veterans Court will include a charge out of Clay County and willingness to participate in treatment services through the Kansas City VA.
For further information, contact:
Prosecutor's Office | 816-736-8300 |
Treatment Provider, KC VA, Michele Parsons | 816-590-3997 |
Veterans Court Program Description
Treatment Phases
Phase I - Assessment & Intensive Treatment (Minimum 1 month)
- Intake Screening
- Full Assessment by VA and RANT (Only accept High/Risk Need)
- Residential/Detoxification as necessary
- Individual/Family/Group therapy Individualized based on clinicians recommendation
- Two family contacts, if possible, during the phase
- Call UA hotline daily
- Self-Help Meetings (AA/NA/CA/etc.) 1 meeting per week minimum
- Check in with Mentor weekly
- Begin planning for school or community service if not already in compliance
- Court appearance at all Veterans Court sessions, unless excused by the Judge
- One weekly meeting with the Probation Officer at the Probation Office
- Random contact by Trackers
Phase II - Primary Treatment (Minimum 3 months)
- Individual/Family/Group therapy individualized based on clinicians recommendations
- One family contact, if possible, during the phase
- Call UA hotline daily
- Self-Help Meetings (AA/NA/CA/etc.) 2 meetings per week minimum
- Begin working with sponsor
- Check in with Mentor weekly
- Begin work on education
- Court appearance minimum 2 times per month (or as required)
- One weekly meeting with the Probation Officer at the Probation Office
- Random contact by Trackers
Phase III - Primary Treatment (Minimum 4 months)
- Group 1 time per week
- Individual/Family and Group therapy individualized based on clinicians recommendations
- Family contact as determined be counselor
- Call UA hotline daily
- Self-Help Meetings (AA/NA/CA/etc.) 4 meetings per week minimum
- Making progress with 12 step work with sponsor
- Obtain employment if able to do so/continue education
- Check in with Mentor weekly
- One meeting every 2 weeks with Probation Officer at Probation Office
- Court appearance once per month (or as required)
- Random contact by Trackers
Phase IV - Maintenance (Minimum 4 months)
- Family/Individual/Group Counseling determined by clinicians recommendations
- Plan for possible participation in Alumni Association after Graduation
- Call UA hotline daily
- Self-Help Meetings (AA/NA/CA/etc.) 4 meetings per week
- Continue to progress with 12 step work with your sponsor
- Check in with Mentor weekly
- Maintain employment if able to do so/continue education
- One meeting monthly with Probation Officer at Probation Office
- One court appearance per month
- Random contact by Trackers
- Complete Transition/AfterCare form in addition to other paperwork prior to Graduation
Phase V - Maintenance (individualized, until next graduation ceremony)
- Monthly participation in Alumni Association until Graduation
- One meeting monthly with Probation Officer at Probation Office
- Sign up for the Aftercare Program – attendance is a voluntary commitment as agreed upon between participant and counselor
- Call UA hotline (different phone number than other phases) daily
- Random UA testing with Probation Officer
- Random contact by Trackers
Graduation Requirements
Requirements for completing each phase of the program are based on standardized criteria with flexibility for individualized treatment needs.
Graduation requirements include:
- Completion of all treatment and supervision phases of the program
- No positive drug tests for a minimum of 8 months
- Have been employed successfully for a minimum of 4 months or attending school full time
- Completion of 40 hours of community service
- Completed payment of all monthly $50.00 Veterans Court program fee on all cases
- Child support payments, if any, are current and all arrearages have been paid or an approved payment plan established
- Complete Hi-Set or job skills training as applicable