WHEREAS, The Missouri Supreme Court on May 28, 2021 issued Revised COVID-19 Directives dealing with the operation of the Court’s which supersedes the March 26, 2021 Order and Rescinds the May 13, 2020, May 20, 2020 and April 6, 2021 Orders, and
WHEREAS, The May 28, 2021 Supreme Court Order provides for the Presiding Judge to exercise discretion in determining precautionary measures dealing with COVID-19, and
THEREFORE, Effective September 10, 2021 the Presiding Judge hereby Orders that the Rooney Justice Center and all of the other Judicial buildings in the 7th Circuit shall follow current CDC guidelines regarding the wearing of mask.
All unvaccinated persons shall wear a mask at all times while indoors. Vaccinated people are not required to wear a mask. Each Judge shall determine if individuals who are testifying or questioning a witness shall be allowed to remove their mask during the questioning and testifying.
Social distancing is highly encouraged. Anyone, regardless of vaccination status, is encouraged to wear a mask in the event that social distancing is not possible.
This Order is effective on September 10, 2021.
David P. Chamberlain
Presiding Judge
Click HERE to view full Administrative Order in PDF.
WHEREAS, The Missouri Supreme Court on May 28, 2021 issued Revised COVID-19 Directives dealing with the operation of the Court’s which supersedes the March 26, 2021 Order and Rescinds the May 13, 2020, May 20, 2020 and April 6, 2021 Orders, and
WHEREAS, The May 28, 2021 Order provides for the Presiding Judge to exercise discretion in determining precautionary measures dealing with COVID-19, and
WHEREAS, This Court entered an Order on August 18, 2021 suspending in-person hearings pursuant to multiple positive Covid test among courthouse staff, and
WHEREAS, Adequate provisions have been made to accommodate the workload due to positive Covid employees or others in quarantine and the rate of positive Covid results has significantly slowed.
THEREFORE, Effective August 30, 2021 the Presiding Judge hereby sets aside the August 18, 2021 Order suspending in-person hearings. The August 17, 2021 Order is still in effect which requires everyone, regardless of vaccinated status to wear a mask at all times in the Rooney Justice Center.
This Order is effective on Aug. 25, 2021.
David P. Chamberlain
Presiding Judge
Click HERE to view full Administrative Order in PDF.
WHEREAS, The Missouri Supreme Court on May 28, 2021 issued Revised COVID-19 Directives dealing with the operation of the Court’s which supersedes the March 26, 2021 Order and Rescinds the May 13, 2020, and April 6, 2021 Orders, and
WHEREAS, The May 28, 2021 Order provides for the Presiding Judge to exercise discretion in determining precautionary measures dealing with COVID-19, and
WHEREAS, the current transmission rate of COVID-19 in Clay County, mainly pursuant to the Delta strain of COVID-19 is listed at the highest level per CDC tracking, and
WHEREAS, the current vaccination rate in Clay County is below 50%.
WHEREAS, there have been multiple positive COVID test within the Rooney Justice Center.
All trials and hearings shall be continued/postponed. Counsel shall contact the Court Clerk in the future to reschedule any trial or hearing when the Court resumes operation.
The suspension of in-person trials and hearings are subject to the following exceptions:
- Proceedings to protect the Constitution rights of criminal defendants.
- Proceedings pertaining to juvenile delinquency and abuse, neglect and termination of parental rights.
- Proceeding for adoption.
- Proceedings for any jury trial in progress, at the discretion of the trial Judge.
- Proceedings for Orders of Protection.
- Proceedings for emergency child custody Orders.
- Proceedings for TROs or other temporary injunctive relief requests.
- Proceedings for emergency mental health Orders.
- Any other proceeding determined by the Court to be necessary to conduct.
Counsel may coordinate with opposing counsel to conduct Webex hearings with input from the Court Clerk in which the case is assigned.
All pro se or self-represented litigants will be notified of their new court date once it their case is rescheduled.
Everyone in the Rooney Justice Center shall wear a mask in all areas of the Courthouse.
Social distancing is highly recommended.
Access to the private areas of the Rooney Justice Center shall be restricted. Only those individuals who have received Judicial approval shall be allowed in the private areas.
This Order shall apply to the Juvenile Court Building.
The Municipal Court Judge of all Municipal Courts within the 7th Circuit shall make their own independent determination to take any precautionary measures to protect the safety of their staff and the individuals conducting business in their Courts.
This Order is effective on Aug. 18, 2021, until further Order of the Court.
David P. Chamberlain
Presiding Judge
Click HERE to view full Administrative Order in PDF.
WHEREAS, The Missouri Supreme Court on May 28, 2021 issued Revised COVID-19 Directives dealing with the operation of the Court’s which supersedes the March 26, 2021 Order and Rescinds the May 13, 2020, May 20, 2020 and April 6, 2021 Orders, and
WHEREAS, The May 28, 2021 Order provides for the Presiding Judge to exercise discretion in determining precautionary measures dealing with COVID-19, and
WHEREAS, the current transmission rate of COVID-19 in Clay County, mainly pursuant to the Delta strain of COVID-19 is listed at the highest level per CDC tracking, and
WHEREAS, the current vaccination rate in Clay County is below 50%.
Everyone in the public areas of the Rooney Justice Center shall wear a mask in the public areas of the Courthouse. The Public areas are defined as all non-secured entrance area.
Everyone in the private areas of the Rooney Justice Center who has not been fully vaccinated shall wear a mask.
Full vaccinated individuals in the private areas of the Rooney Justice Center may, but are not required, to wear a mask.
Access to the private areas of the Rooney Justice Center shall be restricted. Only those individual Judge may at their discretion allow people who are speaking or testifying to remove their mask while doing so.
This Order shall apply to all other Judicial buildings in the 7th Judicial Circuit.
This Order is effective on Aug. 4, 2021.
David P. Chamberlain
Presiding Judge
Click HERE to view full Administrative Order in PDF.
For more information on the Coronavirus, please visit:
- - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- - Clay County Public Heath.
Administrative Orders