Filing Instructions for "Petition of Landlord for Recovery of Possession for Non-Payment of Rent" Form

The following are instructions for the Petition of Landlord for Recovery of Possession for Non-Payment of Rent form.

  1. The tenant must be past due on rent. You must be the land owner in order to file. The filing fee is $33.50.
    Method of Payment
    • No personal checks for filing fees are accepted.
    • Cash is accepted. Please bring exact change. Cashier checks, money orders, and credit cards are also accepted.
  2. Clay County Sheriff's Service Fees

    Number of Defendants Amount
    One (1) $50
    Two (2) $80
    Three (3) $110
    Four (4) $140

    Ask for additional fees if there are additional defendants.

    The Clay County Sheriff will take personal checks.

  3. Fill out both the Petition and the Confidential Case Filing Information Sheet - Non-Domestic Relations forms clearly.
  4. Print a copy of each form for each defendant. This will provide enough copies for service.
  5. Either bring your completed forms to the Civil Filing Window at the Justic Center along with the filing fee, Sheriff's check, and a self-addressed, stamped envelope or, alternatively, mail these items to:
    Clay County Circuit Clerk
    11 South Water Street
    Liberty, Missouri 64068
  6. Ten days after you receive the receipt (in your stamped, self addressed envelope), go to and tap the Case Number Search link to check for service on the defendant(s).

Service means the defendant(s) must be personally served. You cannot serve your own summons to the defendant.

Exception to Personal Service: You may choose to ask for a Motion and Order to Post form. When a Posting Summons is attached to the door, you can receive possession of your property but you will not receive a money judgment.

If you request a Motion and Order for Special Process form, you may name someone (other than yourself) to personally deliver a copy of the Summons to the Defendant(s). The Court must have a notarized Summons from the server within the required time for the service to be accepted.

A Process Server is someone over the age of 18 who is not related to the case. Process Servers may be found in the Yellow Pages directory under Investigations.