Division 6: Judge Karen L. Krauser

Judge Karen L. Krauser
Division 6
Judicial Assistant: Karen Swing
Tel: 816-407-3960
Email: div6@circuit7.net
If you cannot attend your court date
If you are unable to appear due to illness, quarantining, or other legitimate reason, please contact the court at least 24 hours prior to your court date.
You may be given permission to appear via WebEx (Video Conferencing or phone).
Please contact the Court Clerk for more information at 816-407-3960 or email for a link to div6@circuit7.net - CRIMINAL CASES - Failing to appear your court date could result in the issuance of an arrest warrant in criminal cases.
CIVIL CASES - Plaintiffs failing to appear at their court date could result in the case being dismissed.
Defendants failing to appear at their court date could result in a default judgment being entered.
Link for Virtual Court on WebEx
Meeting link: https://mocourts.webex.com/meet/claycountydiv6
Meeting number: 968 314 856
More ways to join:
Join by video system
Dial claycountydiv6@mocourts.webex.com and enter your host PIN 0539.
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Join by phone: +1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Access code: 968 314 856
Host PIN: 0539
- You can look to https://www.facebook.com/SeventhJudicialCircuit for updates to virtual court or court closures.
- Only parties are allowed to address the court unless specifically requested by a party or court.
- Please mute your phone or computer until your case is called.
- Please dress appropriately as if you are coming to court.
- Please find a quiet place to conduct the videoconferencing.
You are ordered not to record the proceeding.
Supreme Court Rules prohibit any recording of the proceeding except by official court reporters.
09:00 AM - DOR
09:30 AM - DOR Trials
02:00 PM - Arraignments (Criminal Court)
02:30 PM - Municipal Dockets Appeals/Change of Judge (1 Monday a month)
Smithville Docket (2 Mondays a month)
Criminal Docket calls, Hearings/Trials
09:00 AM - Criminal Docket with Private Attorneys
10:00 AM - Bond Hearings
11:00 AM - Arraignments
01:30 PM - Criminal Docket with Public Defenders
09:00 AM - Traffic
11:00 AM - Arraignments (Criminal Court)
01:30 PM - Preliminary Hearings/Trials on any type of case
09:00 AM - Civil Docket
10:00 AM - Motion Hearings
11:00 AM - Arraginments
01:30 PM - Preliminary Hearings and Trials
09:00 AM - Preliminary Hearings and Trials
02:00 PM - Preliminary Hearings and Trials
Failing to appear your court date could result in the issuance of an arrest warrant.
If an emergency has occurred, you may contact the clerk at 816-407-3960 prior to the court hearing.
A videoconference may be scheduled instead of personal appearance.
If you have failed to appear in court and have a FTA warrant, you may be able to appear at a time arranged with the Court to recall the warrant.
Please call the Court Clerk at 816-407-3960 to schedule the date and time. Please have your case number ready.
Do not come to court at unscheduled times expecting to have your warrant recalled. A prosecutor must be present for the judge to call your case.
Some charges may be disposed without an appearance in court. You can
find more information about this Plead and Pay Process at
https://www.courts.mo.gov/page.jsp?id=1886 .
Before you plead guilty, you should check the Missouri Revisor Statutes to determine if points will be assess against your license. This information can be found in RSMo 302.302:
If you have been charged with the violation of Financial Responsibility (No Insurance) but had valid insurance at the time, please complete the below Motion to Dismiss and submit a copy of your insurance for the date and time of the offense. The Clerk's Office will verify the information with your insurance company. If verified, the Judge will dismiss. If the insurance CAN NOT be verified, you must appear at your next court date. Verification will occur within 10 days. You may visit www.courts.mo.gov/casenet to check on the status of your motion and case. If you type in your case number above into Casenet and nothing is returned, the Judge has dismissed your case.
Motion to Dismiss - No insurance ticket
When appearing in court, please check in at the Traffic Window of the Circuit Clerk's Office. You will receive a Copy of Your Rights in Traffic Court. This will shorten your wait time. If you wish to review "Know Your Rights" Brochure, please click the following link: Know Your Rights
Before you plead guilty, you should check the Missouri Revisor Statutes to determine if points will be assess against your license. This information can be found in RSMo 302.302:
If you have been charged with the violation of Financial Responsibility (No Insurance) but had valid insurance at the time, please complete the below Motion to Dismiss and submit a copy of your insurance for the date and time of the offense. The Clerk's Office will verify the information with your insurance company. If verified, the Judge will dismiss. If the insurance CAN NOT be verified, you must appear at your next court date. Verification will occur within 10 days. You may visit www.courts.mo.gov/casenet to check on the status of your motion and case. If you type in your case number above into Casenet and nothing is returned, the Judge has dismissed your case.
Motion to Dismiss - No insurance ticket
When appearing in court, please check in at the Traffic Window of the Circuit Clerk's Office. You will receive a Copy of Your Rights in Traffic Court. This will shorten your wait time. If you wish to review "Know Your Rights" Brochure, please click the following link: Know Your Rights
You can track your case and receive email/text reminders of your court date. Directions for "Track This Case"
- Go to Missouri Case.net at https://www.courts.mo.gov/casenet
- Enter case number or litigant name
- Click “Track This Case” for desired cases
- Provide your email address and mobile phone number (optional)
- Enter special characters in verification box
- Click “Track This Case”.
Updated 8/23/21.