Division 3: Judge Alisha O'Hara

Judge Alisha O'Hara
Division 3
Judicial Assistant: Shyla Hoyt
Tel: 816-407-3930
Email: div3@circuit7.net
All criminal cases are scheduled on Monday at 1:30 PM.DOMESTIC VIOLENCE COURT
The Domestic Violence docket is held the second Tuesday of each month at 1:30 PM.MOTIONS
All routine domestic relations motions, those that normally take only a few minutes, can be noticed up on Tuesday and Wednesday at 9:00 AM.When scheduling an extended motion hearing, please inform the clerk of the anticipated length of hearing so that other motion hearings can be scheduled accordingly. You will need to contact the Division Clerk for available dates.
Please follow Missouri and local rules on contacting opposing counsel on availability prior to filing the Notice of Hearing.
Bench trials for domestic cases are set on Tuesday and Wednesday at 10:00 AM.No trial involving contested issues relating to the custody of children will be heard until there has been compliance with Local Court Rule 68.8.1.
Domestic Pretrial Conferences are scheduled on Friday at 9:00 AM.Criminal Pretrial Conferences are scheduled on Friday at 10:00 AM.
In any case in which a Judgment will be entered the Judgment must be provided prior to the case being set for hearing. Judgments should be sent to Division 3 email (not directly to the clerk) at Div3@circuit7.net.CASE RESOLUTION VIA AFFIDAVIT
Division 3 accepts uncontested dissolutions and modifications via affidavit providing all required documentation has been filed and the Judgment has been approved.- 1) Joint affidavit
- 2) Financial documents shall be filed prior to request for Judgment via affidavit
- 3) Approved Judgment
- 4) If one party is pro se, that party must fulfill the pro se compliance requirement and file certificate of completion prior to request for Judgment via affidavit
- 5) If the matter involves children, both parties are required to complete the COPE course (or online equivalent) and provide certificate of completion prior to request for Judgment via affidavit
- Ex Parte hearings are scheduled on Wednesday at 1:30 PM.